Defeating Giants // Boise Boudoir Photographer Makayla Madden Photography // Boudoir by Kayla

  1. Autumn says:

    Beautiful post and opened my eyes to so many things I never take time to consider. Btw we have a ton in common lol. We had the EXACT same scenario with us buying our house in March (getting out of the lease early), furniture, and then buying two cars. Your blog was awesome! 🙂

    • Makayla Apostolou says:

      Oh my goodness I’m so happy to hear someone else knows the struggle! We can basically just be best friends now, mmkay?? And thank you so much!!

  2. Tara Tracy says:

    Makayla! I needed to hear this so much today! I, myself am a huge worrier! I tell myself all the time, give it to GOD. But yet its still there, stealing my joy almost everyday! Thank you for posting this and helping me remember his love! I can’t wait to meet you in April 🙂 have a very blessed day!

    • Makayla Apostolou says:

      I feel like it’s just part of the personality types that own businesses, but seriously, it’s so true! The enemy is such a thief of a joy and I do not want it to go on any longer! I can’t wait to meet up either! <3

  3. Camille Levi says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart and God’s word! I understand the worry, the fears that come with trusting Him for everything! You are in my prayersn Love you!!

  4. Allison says:

    Thank you for sharing that. It was bold and raw and real. No matter our age or current circumstances, we all struggle with the same concept of trusting in God to provide & not just in finances but in all things. I too have struggled with faith for provision… Funds & people for the Black & White Ball fundraiser every year for the last 17 we’ve been doing it… College money for my kids… The right young Godly man to come along to be a husband for my daughter since she wants so badly to be married & be a mother(& the right timing too of course)… Enough work to contribute to our income but not so much that my home is without peace & order and my children are affected by my absence… Even the wisdom in disciplining, nurturing & training up my children to be good people and followers of Christ… All of these are just "things" I wish to control. But it’s hard not to want to try to hold everything in balance myself when I should just trust God. It’s hard being reliant on Him to do it for us. It’s hard to set all of our worldly cares aside long enough to spend quality time with The Lord. But that is what it takes to see things around us change. You do not struggle alone my dear. Most of us are struggling right along with you. Thank you for being transparent in sharing. It inspires me to keep going back to the roots of my foundation. I really needed to hear this today. Thank you for helping me see that I’m not alone either in feeling like I’m outside my comfort zone of control but also that I need to choose to make more time with God in order to allow His great work to mold me & shape me through the process, for His glory to shine. Love your insight Makayla. Keep being real. It is a blessing!

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