Kimbra + Tom // Bennett Mountain Couples Session 2015

  1. Ben says:

    Hey Tom,
    I am a Mexican/American whose father came here Legally under the Reagan administration. I totally support you and the conservative party platform.
    In the middle of all this crazy news that you and your wife have been going through. I want you to know that I totally support you and hope that you find a good job that appreciates good people like you.
    Ben Hernandez
    PS: My daughter and her husband and family moved up to Idaho a few years ago, and they love it there they will never move back to California.
    Blessings to you and your wife.

  2. Tom Hill says:

    Hey Tom,
    You’re a fascist piece of shit and it brings me great joy to see you get exposed and punished for your horrific views.

    die 🙂

  3. Hey Tom and Ben-
    You’ are both fascist piece of shits and it brings me great joy to see you get exposed and punished for your horrific views. Ben, you’re next.

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